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Education is the process where an individual learns information so that he/she can use it to enhance his/her abilities for his/her future. It answers all the questions that we have. It enhances our skills. It also tells us about our past and its story. Most importantly, it is our valued treasure. This treasure is the only thing in our life that cannot be stolen. Our parents spend a lot of money for us to be educated and they know that it is all worth it. When we die, we cannot bring all the earthly things in Heaven, but I believe that we can bring what we have learned while we are still on earth. We should share to other people the knowledge that we have learned  so that they can also share it to the generations to come.

Education is indeed the most precious treasure that any of us can have. Once we have been educated, it is now up to us how we will use and treasure it. It needs a lot of perseverance and concentration so that we can be educated.  It will take us lots of time to develop our skills, which are all part of achieving god education. If we have been educated, it is not impossible to reach our goals, dreams and ambitions in life.

Education does not have any hindrances as long as we are willing and eager to learn and give our attention to it. We need to sacrifice a lot and keep in our minds that it is for our own good and for our future. We need to have goals, dreams and ambitions in life so as not to waste our time in not so important things.

As long as we are willing to pursue our dreams, it is not impossible to reach it. There are lots of options for us to choose from and all we have to do is to work hard, sincerely and seriously. We need to work hard so that we can mold ourselves into competitive and knowledgeable individuals in the future. Money should not be an issue for this matter because it is your will that counts which help you predict your own future.

We must remember that education is the most precious gift that one could ever have. Education is the only treasure that cannot be stolen from us.

BCECE प्रवेश परीक्षा के एडमिट कार्ड जल्द होंगे जारी, परीक्षा की तिथि आई सामने

बिहार संयुक्त प्रवेश प्रतियोगी परीक्षा 2019 के प्रवेश पत्र आज जारी होने की संभावना है। प्रवेश पत्र बोर्ड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर ऑनलाइन माध्यम से जारी किया जाएगा। जो उम्मीदवार  परीक्षा के लिए उपस्थित होना चाहते हैं, वे बोर्ड की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट से  अपने परीक्षा के प्रवेश पत्र डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

आपको बता दें कि बीसीईसीई 2019 परीक्षा 29 जून, 2019 और 30 जून, 2019 को बोर्ड द्वारा जारी नई अनुसूची के अनुसार आयोजित की जाएगी। BCECE 2019 कृषि विज्ञान परीक्षा 29 जून को और PCMB परीक्षा 30 जून, 2019 को आयोजित की जाएगी। उम्मीदवार अपने प्रवेश पत्र को जारी होने के बाद नीचे दिए गए नियमों का पालन कर उसे डाउनलोड करें।
BCECE Admit Card 2019: ऐसे करें डाउनलोड-

चरण 1: सबसे पहले उम्मीदवार आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाएं।
चरण 2: होमपेज पर उपलब्ध एडमिट कार्ड वाले लिंक पर क्लिक करें।
चरण 3: मांगी गई जानकारी दर्ज करें। 
चरण 4: अब उम्मीदवारों का एडमिट कार्ड स्क्रीन पर प्रदर्शित होगा, उसे डाउनलोड करें।
चरण 5: एक प्रिंट आउट आगे की प्रक्रिया के लिए यहां सुरक्षित रखें।

  आधिकारिक वेबसाइट के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
     Saurabh Kumar Singh

जीत आपकी【A Motivational story】

एक समय की बात है किसी गाँव  में एक गुफा थी। जिसे लोग मौत गुफा के नाम से जानते थे |कोई भी उसके आस पास भी नहीं जाना चाहता था | और ऐसा इसलिए था क्यों की उस गुफा में आज तक जो भी गया था कभी वापस लौट कर नहीं आया | लोग उस गुफा के बारे में सोचकर डर जाते |
अब तक उस गुफा में लगभग ३००  लोग जा चुके थे और कोई भी लौटकर नहीं आया |उसी गाँव में एक युवक आया | और उसे इन सब बातो पर यकीन नहीं हुआ की आज  के ज़माने में ऐसा कही होता है | उसने तय किया वह उस गुफा में जाएगा | पर जैसे ही गाँवो के लोगो को ये पता चला की वह युवक उस गुफा में जा रहा है |  तो सब उसके घर के पास इक्कठे हो गए और उसे समझने लगे की तुम आखिर क्यों जाना चाहते हो | अगर गए भी तो लौट कर वापस नहीं  आ पाओगे |पर उसने उन सब लोगो की बात नहीं सुनी और अगले दिन सुवह ही वह उस गुफा की तरफ गया | और गुफा में अंदर जाते ही कुछ आगे जाने पर बहुत अँधेरा था | धीरे धीरे वह गुफा में काफी अंदर  आ गया | तभी उसके लगा कोई उसका पिच कर रहा है और किसी ने पीछे से उसे धक्का दिया | युवक  ने पीछे पाटकर देखा  तो वहां ४ आदमी खड़े थे | वो उसे बंद कर एक जगह ले गए | उसने देखा वो जगह बहुत ही अच्छी थी और सभी सुख सुविधायो से सुसज्जित थी |
उन ४ आदमियों ने उसे बतया हम सभी भी इस गुफा में आये थे | पर यहं इतनी सुभिधा देखकर यही रुक गए |
तुम्हे डरने के लिए हमने तुम्हे धक्का दिया . और वह युवक भी उसी जगह रुक गया | बाकि गाओं वालो काहां वहम और पक्का हो गया की कोई भी लौटकर नहीं आता उस गुफा से |
Moral of the Story
इस कहानी को अगर हम अपनी ज़िंदगी में देखंगे की जयदतर कोई भी नया काम शुरू करने पर लोग हम्हे तरह तरह से डराते हैं | की इस काम को करोगे तो ऐसा होगा वैसा होगा हम पहले भी इसे कर चुके है . जैसे अगर हमे नया बिज़नेस स्टार्ट करना है , हम अपने idea  को किसी के साथ discuss करते हैं , तो पहले तो वही सुनने को मिलेगा ऐसे कोई बिज़नेस नहीं होता  .  तो या हो हम बाकि गाओं वालो की तरह डर कर रह जाते हैं |  और ज़िंदगी जैसे चल रही थी वैसे ही चलती रहती है | या उस युवक की तरह डर से जीत जाते हैं और उस काम को कर लेते हैं फैसला हमेशा हमको ही लेना होता हैं |

A motivational stories

Problem को solve करना सीखो【A Motivational story】 एक लड़की किसी कारण से बहुत परेशान नजर आ रही थी।उसने पिताजी से इस बारे में बात की। पुत्री:-Dad,मैं कोई भी काम सही से नही कर पा रही हूँ, हर जगह कही न कहीं परेशानिया आ जाती है।और मैं उसमे काम नही कर पाती हुँ। पिता उसे एक kitchen रूम में लेकर के गए।फिर कहा कि"जाओ एक अंडा, एक आलू,और एक कॉफी लेकर के आओ। बेटी ने सभी समान किचन में लाकर के रख दिया। उनके बाद उसके पिता ने 20℃ ताप पर आलू,कॉफी और अंडे को गर्म पानी पर अलग अलग पतीले पर रख दिया।कुछ समय बाद उन सभी को देखा गया। आलू उसी ताप पर नरम हो चुका है, जबकि अंडा उसी ताप पर कठोर हो गया, लेकिन कॉफी इसी ताप पर गर्म पानी से मिलकर के एक नया और स्वादिष्ट पेय पदार्थ बनाता है। बेटी ने इसे देखते हुए पूछा कि इसमें मेरे सवाल से क्या लेना देना है,फिर पिता ने बताया कि देखो अंडा पहले अंदर से नरम था परंतु थोड़ी सी मुश्किल के बाद यह कठोर हो गया,जबकि आलू अंदर से कठोर घ परन्तु थोड़ा मुश्किल परने पर वह नरम हो गया ,जबकि वही कॉफी समान परेशानी होते हुए भी परेशानी के घुल मिल कर एक नया पदार्थ बनाता है। कहानी की सिख हम सभी मनुष्यों को कॉफी की तरह होना चाहिए जो परेशानी को हल करना जानता हो।और मुश्किल की समय मे टूटे ना,या कठोर न हो।बल्कि मिलकर एक नया पदार्थ का निर्माण करें।
 लेखक..:सौरभ कुमार【A Google Boy】
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                         मौत का मंजर 
था मैं नींद में और मुझे इतना सजाया जा रहा था |
बड़े ही   प्यार से मुझे नहलाया  जा रहा  था|
न जाने था कौन सा  अजब खेल मेरे घर में ,
बच्चो की तरह मुझे कंधो पे उठाया जा रहा था ||
था पास मेरे हर -अपना उस वक़्त भी ,
मै  हर किसी के  मुँह से बुलाया जा रहा था
जो  कभी देखते+ भी  न थे ,ंमोह्हबत की  से
उनके  दिल से  भी प्यार  मूझे  लुटाया +जा  रहा था

Know One, Believe In One And Become One

Know One, Believe In One And Become
Nirankari Mata Sudiksha
What amounts to the essence of life is the knowledge that God, Nirankar, can, in fact, be
realised. We, unlike other animals, have enough insight to evaluate life and its purpose.
We can decide who we are, where we have come from, and where, after the demise of
this mortal coil, we are to go. We, as human beings, have the consciousness to analyse all
We can look at this logically or through the aid of scriptures. For we, as the atma,
individual spirit, are part of what we call the Paramatma, omnipresent spirit. We can
recognise, while living our lives, the very form of the Formless Nirankar. This is exactly
what Arjuna realised on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Ravidas, Kabir, Tukka Ram, Meera
and many other saints here and abroad, also experienced the same Formless, which
elevated their lives above others.
The Nirankari Mission’s introduction to the Formless is akin to a candle that can
illuminate the darkest of rooms. Through it, we can fully realise Him. Though called by
different names all over the world, it is ultimately one and only One Nirankar. Although
He is one in essence, we cannot believe in Him if we do not know Him as one. Quite
naturally, just as we have to know someone before we believe in him, the One God also
has to be known before we can believe in Him.
It is important to realise that though different in diet and dress, we have all emanated
from the same one Source. It is, therefore, only by knowing God that we can believe in
Him and henceforth become Him.
If we were to look at the process of boiling water, we see that we require fire, water and a
vessel. We can pour the water into a vessel, which when placed on the fire eventually
boils. But if we were to pour the water directly on to the fire, not only is the fire doused,
but the water is never boiled. What is of the utmost importance in this process, is the
vessel – the medium through which the task can be accomplished.
In life similarly, we too need a medium – a true master, with whose help we can realise
the difference in the behaviour of the enlightened and the ignorant. In the absence of
such a medium, we cannot transform from one state to the other. With the advent of such
a medium the heart harbouring hatred can be transformed into a loving one.
Hence, sitting in sangat, at a oneness gathering, and being decent, attentive and
disciplined is not enough. The sangat’s import – significant learning and wisdom – has to
be firmly planted into the mind, so that not even a single trace of darkness remains. Justas the rising sun illuminates everything everywhere, the light of the congregation works
exactly the same way.
This light of God should positively touch everybody for the better. With it, we should
move towards the state of large-heartedness, leaving behind our narrowmindedness for
ever. We should be recognised by humility, perseverance and tolerance.
Looking like human beings is not enough. It is not human features but human values,
such as love, compassion and tolerance that make us humans. Such human values should
be cultivated and brought to the fore. For it is only in so doing that we can know One,
believe in One and become One.
The 33-year-old Nirankari Mata Sudiksha heads the Sant Nirankari Mission worldwide.

Ramayana: Significance Of Sundarkand

The Speaking Tree
Ramayana: Significance Of Sundarkand
Pappu Venugopala Rao
The Ramayana in Sanskrit was authored by Valmiki. There was no literature meant for
commoners, prior to the Ramayana. Only Vedic literature existed before it. That’s why
Valmiki is referred to as adi kavi or the first poet. Two more Ramayanas are very popular
– the Kamba Ramayanam in the south and Tulsi Das’s Ramcharitmanas in the north.
Valmiki gave three titles to his book: It is called Ramayana from the point of view of the
hero. Sitayah Charitam is from the point of view of the heroine and Poulastya Vadham is
from the villain’s point of view. Ramayana means that which can get the reader to attain
Rama. Sitayah Charitam is the story of Sita and Poulastya Vadham is the killing of Ravana.
There are 24,000 verses in the Ramayana and it is divided into six cantos: Balkand deals
with the childhood of Rama and his brothers; Ayodhyakand is about their growing up in
Ayodhya; Aranyakand narrates Rama’s exile in the forest along with Sita and Lakshmana,
and Sita’s abduction; in Kishkindhakand Rama meets with Sugreeva and Hanuman;
Sundarkand is the story of searching for Sita, and Yuddha Kanda, the war, killing of
Ravana, Rama’s return to Ayodhya with Sita and Lakshmana and his coronation.
While five of the six chapters are named around the incidents or places, only Sundarkand
is named differently – it is called, the beautiful canto.
The significance of Sundarkand lies in its very name. It is a canto that most people chant;
a parayana grantha meant to be chanted. Beautiful components are embedded in the
Firstly, if we look at it as a work of literature, it consists of beauty; aesthetics in the words
employed are known in poetics as sabda saundaryam consisting of many figures of
speech like alliterations. Then there are many poetic qualities employed by Valmiki in the
meaning of the words with multiple meanings or subtlety, known as artha saundaryam,
beauty in meaning.
In Sanskrit literature, poetics deals with the concept of rasa, sentiment or emotion. In
Sundarkand, we find many descriptions expressing density of various emotions of love,
anger, fear, repugnance, wonder and so on. This reveals rasa saundaryam.
When Hanuman approaches Sita, she doesn’t believe he is a messenger from Rama. She
asks him to describe the beauty of Rama. When Hanuman sees her for the first time, he is
amazed at her beauty. We find a great description of the beauty and valour of Hanuman.
Thus, Sundarkand consists of the descriptions of beauty of Rama, Sita and Hanuman.
If we look at Sundarkand as a spiritual text then we find the beauty of the Divine in
Rama; beauty of the yearning of the soul in the form of Sita to join the lord and the beauty
of Hanuman not just as a messenger but as an acharya who unfolds the spiritualconnotations of the canto to the readers. There are nine different aspects of saundarya,
beauty, in this canto.
There are people who read the entire 68 cantos in a day. Many people read it from the
first day of the lunar new year Ugadi to the ninth day Rama Navami, the birth day of
Rama. Chanting it in any manner, over a period of 40 days is a common practice.
Official website


World Of Ideas And World Of Consciousness

World Of Ideas And World Of
Saurabh kumar
The people of ancient times used to employ all their energy for the gratification of their
vrittis, gross propensities. But eventually they noticed that even through the persistent
application of their individual and collective forces, their propensities were not fully
fulfilled. It appeared that some unseen and greater force was playing with them every
moment, thwarting all their efforts.
Gradually they understood that, no matter how strongly they tried to impose their
individual and collective might, their capacity was limited for their field of action was
confined to the relative factors of time, space and person. What is that entity to whose
inviolable decree they were ultimately compelled to submit? What are His
characteristics? Who is He? No matter how developed the intellect or how pervasive its
force, it is so difficult for us to fathom the immeasurable vastness of that Entity.
People unable to attain their objects of desire, remain frustrated. Yet, sometimes, desired
objects come to them whether they had wished for them or not. They accept this as their
fate. But fate does not depend on anyone’s whim, for if whim were everything, the seed of
the microcosmic longings would have withered, but it has not. Thus people began to think
that fate is nothing more than the reactions to their past actions. But as they cannot see or
understand their original actions, they call it their destiny.
Despite human beings having attained a certain amount of freedom from the Supreme
Controller – even then they are at His total mercy. This dependence on Parama Purusha is
essential for movement and inspiration. While seeking the original source of this
inspiration, the thoughtful people of the distant past cultivated Brahmatattva, intuitional
science. The subtlety of thought of those contemplative, progressive people led them
gradually from the world of matter to the world of ideas, and from the world of ideas to
the world of consciousness. In the world of wisdom they were the first rishis, the first
torchbearers of the illuminating flame of knowledge. They eventually succeeded in using
their intellectual faculties to penetrate the sphere of Consciousness. As a result of the
constant churning of their intellect, human beings learnt Brahma-vijnana.
There are a number of questions: “Do the solutions of the above problems lie in the time
factor? Is time the final answer? Is it the absolute truth? It appears that the first cause of
creation is hidden in the womb of time. So time must be the original cause, the absolute
factor? Whatever took place, whatever is taking place and whatever will take place is
within the periphery of time, is it not? It must be Kala Shakti, the temporal factor which
has been giving birth to the universe as Vishvajanani, the Universal Mother; which has
been preserving everything in its rhythmic and cyclical movement; and which, with its
frantic dance, raucous laughter, and gnashing teeth has been destroying the world withits formidable power. The inscrutable play of light is nothing but a momentary flash upon
its features. Belching darkness out of darkness time alone is the sole, wellestablished
entity. O rishi tell us, is not time alone the Absolute Entity?”
The knower of Brahma replies, “No, time is not the Absolute Entity.” Time is only a
relative factor, which is entirely dependent on the mutual relationship of place and


The Election Commission announced the dates for the 17th Lok Sabha elections 2019, which will be held in seven phases - from April 11 to May 19 - to choose the members of the lower House of Parliament. The Election Commission of India will organize the 2019 general elections across India's 543 constituencies in 29 states and 7 Union Territories. So, now it is the beginning of the battle for the throne. Political parties of all types, sizes and representations - close to 350 in total - would try their fate in the upcoming Lok Sabah polls. We have been continuously seeing the degradation of politics and also been complaining about the behavior of the politicians. We all are also worried about the problems like Corruption, Unemployment, Illiteracy, Increasing crime rate, Terrorism, Poverty and so on. The list just keeps growing. Many of us really want to do something to change this situation, but, can’t actually do anything, due to many different reasons. The Election Commission of India has a huge task at hand this time, as the 2019 elections are expected to be the biggest in the history of democratic India. What's more, simultaneously with the 543 Lok Sabha seats, elections this time are also being held in 413 Assembly constituencies across four states - Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim.The results for both Lok Sabha elections 2019 and the four state Assembly elections will be declared on May 23. We are called upon once again to elect the most powerful political leadership team and the Prime Minister in the largest democratic Nation of the world. If we are concern about our future and the future of our country, then all of us must cast our votes. ‘Voting’ is not only our ‘Right’. In fact, it is our solemn responsibility as a citizen and we all must fulfill this responsibility with seriousness. The decisions that each voter makes may have far reaching implications, not only for our nation, but also for the entire world. Some people think religious people should stay out of politics & government, but the truth is, that the most High rules over the kingdom of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses. (Daniel 4:32). Scripture affirms that “All the rulers of the world belong to God. He is over them all!” (Psalm 47:9) In fact, God explicitly declares in the Holy Scripture the kinds of leaders we ought to vote for. In fact, the Bible warns us that our choices determined our future. Deuteronomy 16:18-20 says “Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in every town the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall judge the people fairly. Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.” Whenever the Bible talks about people and their choices, it reminds us the negative consequences of their poor choices as well as the positive consequences of their wise choices. The life you are leading today is the result of past decisions and indecisions. Every single decision you have ever made, or will ever make, has consequences. Once we learn to evaluate our decisions based on consequences, all the other considerations fall neatly into place. It’s that simple. So Let us consider to analyze the divine prerequisite for the National leaders in order to make wise decision. Quality leadership is the key to a prosperous and peaceful life of a nation. Our quality of life depends on the quality of our leadership. The quality of government significantly affects every person in society. Elections offer us a relatively easy way to improve society if we vote and end up choosing decent governments. Proverbs 29:2 says: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn. ” And Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness makes a nation great; sin is a disgrace to any nation.” The above scriptures reveals that whenever a nation has a lack of quality, legitimate and just leaders, national deterioration occurs. This is why God sets forth general criteria for office-holders. Exodus 18:21 says “Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness…” The world is in desperate need of righteous leaders. Our communities need positive role models, our children need fatherly leaders and our world needs right direction. It’s not just electing a particular political candidate; but a righteous and genuine leader to lead the Nation with justice and truth. Since the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Tm 6:12), we need to examine many things about our world system and be willing to modify them to match the high standard of morality and adherence to the divine imperative. A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with simplicity, Purity and integrity. A good leader “walks the talk” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. In the Bible, God reveals this wisdom to all men and nations through proverbial sayings that teach wisdom by means of a comparison or analogy. The wisdom of Proverbs covers all areas of life: personal, family, business, education, and politics.. Therefore let’s serious in our prayer and elect “righteous” people and rejoice in the abundance of peace and prosperity that following God’s laws and His wisdom. Look at the following scripture reference from proverbs that reveals God’s wisdom for the sphere of politics and the government… 1. Proverbs 16:10 says, “The lips of a king speak as an oracle, and his mouth should not betray justice.” 2. Proverbs 28:3 says, “A ruler who oppresses the poor is like a driving rain that leaves no crops.” 3. Proverbs 29:4 says, “By justice a king gives country stability, but one who is greedy for bribes tears it down.” 4. Proverbs 29:12 says, “If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked.” 5. Proverbs 29:14 says, “If a king judges the poor with fairness, his throne will always be secure.” 6. Proverbs 8:15, 16 say that “governments should use wisdom to rule and to make laws that are just. 7. Proverbs 28:2-4 and 29:4 urges “rulers to maintain order justly, to follow God’s moral code and to avoid oppressing the poor.” 8. Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” 9. Proverbs 31:8-9 say “Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless. Speak for them and be a righteous judge. Protect the rights of the poor and needy...” Our only hope is found in the above scripture verses. You cannot have true liberty without truth and righteousness. A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas. If a leader does not have a protective spirit towards the helpless, he’s missed the reason for being a leader. God gives us leaders to protect us from evil. Leaders should be defenders of those who cannot defend themselves. India wants leaders who are role models, law abiding; leaders who respect the laws of the land and allow the same to take course even upon themselves. Our leaders are expected to have the capacity to govern and develop well thought out policies that can boost the economy of the land; for the well being of all, including the poor and the marginalized of society. Leadership is about good governance of the nation, its communities and assemblies as well as the generation and use of resources therein. Leaders are expected to render service to their people. They are to facilitate that all people fully participate in the development activities and also assist in establishing fair and just formulas for sharing and distributing the nation's resources. This is to be done with equity, transparency and with a political will directed at creating a corruption free environment. People's aspirations, hopes and dreams must be picked up by our leaders and helped to be fulfilled and so contribute to the advancement of social life and quality of life of communities. People aspiring for high offices and indeed any public office must be exemplary in their own life and in their ability to work for a corruption free India. Here is a list of questions you can prayerfully use to evaluate your possible choices. You can determine the wise course of action with God’s help. Have you prayed about this choice? Do you feel at peace with the choice you’ve made no matter what it costs you? Do you sense God’s approval in your spirit? Which choice has the best possible results? There are consequences when we choose leaders. We’re either going to rejoice or weep. Finally be assured — wherever man rules, God still overrules.

नई दिशा नई सोच

Hii friends मैं गुड्डू कुमार अपने ब्लॉग पर आप सभी का स्वागत करता हूं। जैसा कि आप सभी जानते हैं बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति ने दसवीं और बारहवीं का परीक्षा परिणाम बहुत ही समय पर जारी कर दिया है। और इस वर्ष परीक्षा परिणामों में बोर्ड की तरफ से बहुत ही अच्छे परिणाम आए हैं जिससे परीक्षार्थियों में काफी खुशी देखी जा रही है ।अच्छे परिणाम से पास हुए सभी सभी दोस्तों को मेरी तरफ से हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। मैं आप सभी को बताना चाहता हूं कि दसवीं एवं बारहवीं किसी भी परीक्षार्थी के जीवन में सबसे अहम भूमिका निभाती है ।यहीं से आपकी जिंदगी की नई शुरुआत होने जा रही है ।सभी दोस्तों से मेरा आग्रह है कि वह सोच समझ कर और अपने शिक्षक परिवार जनों एवं अपने दोस्तों से एडवाइज लेकर ही कदम आगे बढ़ा क्योंकि हो सकता है बिना सोच-समझकर उठाया गया कदम गलत साबित हो सकता है और आपको आगे परेशानियां दे सकता है। मेरा एक और मानना है क्या आप सभी अपने रुचि के हिसाब से ही अपने विषय एवं पाठ्यक्रम का चयन करें ।जिससे आपको आने वाले जिंदगी के सफर में कोई कठिनाइयां ना हो और आप अपने हिसाब से जिंदगी जी सकें। विद्यार्थी सोच-समझकर अपने लगन और परिश्रम से अपने मंजिल को हासिल करें पर अपने घर परिवार को खुशी दे अपने राष्ट्र की उन्नति में अपना योगदान करें और एक अच्छे राशि की पहचान बनकर उभरे।यहां टैप करें...

 जो दोस्त इस परीक्षा में pass ना हो सके हैं .उनको मैं कहना चाहता हूं कि आप हमेशा प्रयास करते रहें और अपने आप पर विश्वास रखें कि मैं यह कर सकता हूं और तो सब पूरी लग्न एवं मेहनत से फिर से मेहनत करें पिक्चर तैयारी करें और उसी जज्बे से परीक्षा दे और आप का परिणाम आप को पास करेगा। try and try again till you get success